The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc. exists to build and hold charitable component funds and a permanent and growing endowment for the region’s changing needs and opportunities, and to honor the intentions of donors who create those funds.
​Incorporated in 2009, The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc. is a qualified publicly supported charity under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)3 and 509(a)1 allowing us to offer tax deductions for gifts made to The Community Foundation, just as they would receive for gifts to other nonprofit organizations.
​Since our beginning, The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc. has grown to serve the 18 counties of Northwest Missouri and become known nationally for our innovative approach to regional vitality. Donors have entrusted us with their charitable funds, we have established relationships with nonprofits through the 18 counties of Northwest Missouri we serve, and we are a leader and a resource for philanthropy for individuals, companies, and families.
​As The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc. partners with professional advisors and serves as a trusted philanthropic partner; we’re pleased to provide advisors with helpful resources, including access to the Planned Giving Design Center. This national online service offers timely information and assistance for legal, tax and financial professionals who develop philanthropic, financial and estate plans for their clients.
The Planned Giving Design Center can be accessed by registering once here.
Subscribers can opt to receive e-mail news alerts, articles by nationally recognized tax and estate planning experts, and case studies on the tax benefits of charitable planned giving. In addition, sample fund agreements and a philanthropic gift calculator are available at the site.
Sample Bequests
A bequest, the most common form of planned giving, is a gift of assets (money and/or other property) that is made through a will, living trust or other testamentary arrangement. No funds are transmitted or irrevocably transferred to the designated fund until after the donors death. No estate tax will be owed on the amount of the charitable bequest.
​The appropriate wording for making a gift depends on the type of gift, state law and the donor’s unique circumstances. The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc. urges all prospective donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts, and the resulting tax and estate planning consequences. The following will provisions are examples of how a donor may designate a gift.
Bequest to Create an Unrestricted Named Fund
I give, devise and bequeath (describe dollar amount, property to be given, or proportion of your residuary estate) to The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc., a nonprofit corporation located in St. Joseph, MO 64505, tax identification number 27-0436182, to establish the Fund, to be held as a component fund and managed together with The Community Foundation’s other funds. Grants from the Fund shall be made in accordance with The Community Foundation’s policies for such funds and shall be used for unrestricted charitable purposes.
Donor Advised Fund Bequest
I give, devise and bequeath (describe dollar amount, property to be given, or proportion of your residuary estate) to The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc., a nonprofit corporation located in St. Joseph, MO 64505, tax identification number 27-0436182, to be added to the Fund, a component fund of the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc., and I direct that this bequest become part of this Fund.
Legacy Fund Bequest
I give, devise and bequeath (describe dollar amount, property to be given, or proportion of your residuary estate) to The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc., a nonprofit corporation located in St. Joseph, MO 64505, tax identification number 27-0436182, to be added to the Fund, a component fund of the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc., of which distribution and spending policy instructions are already provided.
Designated & Field of Interest Fund Bequest
I give, devise and bequeath (describe dollar amount, property to be given, or proportion of your residuary estate) to The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc., a nonprofit corporation located in St. Joseph, MO 64505, tax identification number 27-0436182, to establish the Fund, a component fund of the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc., of which distributions shall adhere to the Community Foundation’s current spending policy and will be used to make grants to the following nonprofit charitable organization(s) (indicate percentage to each organization if more than one) or for the following purpose:
Important: When making a planned gift (such as bequest, life insurance, retirement plans), please contact the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc. when you choose to name The Community Foundation as a beneficiary so that we can ensure your charitable intention(s) is/are fulfilled.